Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 9 Pure Cardio

Before my work out, like litterly right before I hit play. my wife ased if  I could go to the store and get chicken wings for dinner. I said you would rather me get fried food then excersise? I am one lucky man lol. I didnt feel like working out today so i pushed it later than normal. But I decided I am going to work out so i didnt go to the store.Anyway I am pretty tired. I think i have a bit of a cold. It is unseasonably hot here and i think i had the AC on to high last night. I just wanted to check in today. So ... Check.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 8 Cardio Power And Resistance

I am super tired today. I worked last night and just finished working out. It is almost 3pm. I am not used to working out this late. But i was busy this morning and still wanted to work out. My abs(or lack of abs) are burning from this work out. I kept my stomach tight each excersice and contracted my core like shaun said. Last time i did this work out I hit the wall at 9 minutes and laid on the floor. This time I gassed at about 7 minutes. I knew I would be posting this on my blog though. so I broke through the wall. I made it to the end. My intensity was very low and i wasnt moving fast. But I made it YAY!!!  I think I relized the differnece between Tony and Shaun today. Shaun is a work out leader and motivator and he is awsome at it. . Tony is a Sales man. Tony sells apart of himself to the camera as well as being a motivator. Anyway I am real tired so I will cut this short today.  Thanks for reading, I will be back tomorow!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 7 Plyometric Cardio Circut

Last time I did this work out i ended up on the floor with 15 minutes left. This time I fell on the floor with 5 minutes left. I could of finished it i think. The problem is Me and my Wife had breakfast this morning about a hour before I worked out. Normally i try not to eat before I work out. I try to leave at least 2 hours from eating to working out. It was also fast food which dosent help. But we almost never stop for fast food so when she mentioned it I was like hell yea we should (thinking to myself I dont know when the next time will be). For those of you who arent married yet. The man essentially turns into a kid and the wife turns into the mom allowing him to do things lol.  Anyway back to the work out. I have really been listening to Shaun. He has helped me push myself and break through the wall. I noticed he will say check your heart rate. Then he will say push it harder. I am saying this becouse I relized that even though he is trying to push everyone, he wants them to be healthy first and stay in there correct zones. So he i actually saying if you pass question1 your heart rate than do what i say next. These are great work outs. They are only cardio though. I am missing lifting weights. So I think on my day off I will hit the gym and do some P90X in addition to the cardio. I have wanted to start P90X agian more than trying Insanity. but i need to loose weight and Insanity is better for that. I started Insanity so i will finish the 60 days though. I may just do P90X on my days off or if I work and i have extra time. i kinda get 4 days off a week though. My overnight schedule is wierd. 40 h0urs aweek and 10 hour shifts. So i can lift on those days and heal the rest of the week. Anyway i am just brainstorming. I have decided to weigh myself once  week. Saturday or Sunday nights. This is agian with my funky schedule. Anyway talk to you all later.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 6 Day Off

So today I am supposed to work out. But my back is starting to hurt from the intense excersies. My legs are also killing me. The day off is supposed to be tomorow but i figure its better to be safe and avoid further injury. Its also the first day of school for my daughter so I am walking her from school to home so that helps make up for it. I am tired from working last night. today and tomorow are super busy so I may not excersie until wednesday. If that happens its ok i will be recharged and ready to bring it with high energy and intensity. thanks for reading. talk to you all tomorow.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 5 Pure Cardio

I will start out with the most important part. I weighed myself. I now weigh 270 so i lost 4 pounds. I know it may be water weight. But I will think its fat. At the very least a good start. I am feeling more energized during the day. I am sleeping better. I am eating much less at every meal but eating more often. On to the work out. WOW this was all cardio. I modified alot of moves. Partly becouse I cant do alot of the jumping becouse I am just not in good enough shape. Also I live in an apartment and dont want to shake the floor anymore than I already am. I made it through the whole work out. I took lots of mini breaks. I took my pulse more often so when it was getting a bit high I just jogged in place to keep moving but to lower my heart rate.Shaun was awsome this work out. He really motivated me and told the profesionals to stop and get water. So when i took my mini breaks I didnt feel so bad. Shaun even forgot the name of his excersie becouse he was so tired lol. well anyway I worked last night and i need to get to sleep soon. I hope everything made sence becouse i am on such a work out high right now. Anyway thanks for taking time to read my blog. (to myself; Your a rock star and keep up the good work, just keep showing up.)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 4 Cardio Recovery

I was glad at first to not have to do cardio. My body feels pretty beat up from the 3 days of intense cardio. But more of all my mind feels warn down from ending up on the floor before the work outs are over. Today I was able to complete the whole work out. My heart rate was in my target heart zone occasionally. this work out is more about recovery, stretching and strengthening muscels. It features alot of slow squats and lunges. As well as holding the squats and lunges in the lowest position. There were also some yoga posses that i recongize from P90X. I took lots of mini breaks. This work out happens once a week. I am not looking forward to doing it agian. I think this work out is stupid. I think yoga is stupid. But I remeber Tony from P90X saying people think yoga is stupid becouse it is hard. Something along those lines at least. I really enjoy Shaun thought. He is a good motivator and good in the moment.  I don't really conect with him like i did with Tony. They are both great in there own way. Shaun does a good job in all work outs motivating and reminding me to take breaks or not to go into deep stretches as becouse I am not ready. I am going to way myself tonight. I dont have a scale at home. there is a scale at work so I use that. I am nervouse becouse I am afraid there will be no change or weight gain would be dreadfull. But realalisticlly I havent lost weight. Even a pound or two would be ok. I plan to weigh myself now and at the week. My week goal is to loose maybe 3 to 5 pounds. I know its high but the first couple weeks should be drastic weight lost due to the shock of working out. I just hope for some kind of result as it will motivate that much more. No results will make it frustrating. Either way I am dedicated to keep going. If anyone is following this I have taken pictures of myself. I plan on posting the before and after when I have lost some weight. Thanks for reading. This is to myself. Good Job, keep it up and keep coming back.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Work out 3 Power and Resistance

insanity day 3 cardio power and resistance

I just finished day 3. It was a good work out but very hard. I stopped 9 minutes toward the end. I gassed completly. I am happy with what i did though. At least i started to work out. The people on the video are taking breaks also and laying on the ground so i dont feel so bad. It was really a struggle for me today. I had to modify alot of the moves. Instead of walking push ups, i did regular push ups. There was a push up move i did knee type push ups to modify. There were also some jump squats that i modified to just jumping in place. But at least i worked out and was in my target heart rate zone for about 45 minutes. If you are reading this and having trouble to just remeber show up and move. Modify modify modify. I think to my self is it better to play COD MW2 or move around. I dont have alot of money. Like most married people with a daughter money is tight. I will not be doing the insanity diet or any other diet for that matter. But i am trying to eat healthier. I figure if i eat a little better and eat a little less it will get me to my results. Maybe not as fast if i was on a strict diet but thats ok with me. For breakfast i had a bowl of special K cerial and a small bowl of fresh fruit. For lunch i will have green beans with ground beef and some soy sauce in it for extra taste possible a little rice. For dinner i dont know what we will have becouse i will eat with my wife. Im just going to not worry about calories and eat what i like but eat healthy. If you read this thanks. Any comments are appreciated and any ideas are appreciated also.

DAY ONE the FIt Test

The fit test was pretty hard for me. I am really out of shape.I am a male 28 years old and I am 6'1 and 274 pounds. I am a P90X graduate. But I really slacked off for a year. Its so easy to gain weight but hard to loose. Feel free to comment on this to share your work outs or to offer congradulations or disagree or anything. Lets loose weight together. Even if no one reads this at the very least this is to keep me accountable. ok so to my fit test results
switch kicks 73
squat jumps 26
power knees 54
power jumps 15
globe jumps 19
suicide planks 4
push up jacks 10
low plank oblique 35
I cant wait in 2 weeks to work out agian on the fit test to see how much i improve.