Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 4 Cardio Recovery

I was glad at first to not have to do cardio. My body feels pretty beat up from the 3 days of intense cardio. But more of all my mind feels warn down from ending up on the floor before the work outs are over. Today I was able to complete the whole work out. My heart rate was in my target heart zone occasionally. this work out is more about recovery, stretching and strengthening muscels. It features alot of slow squats and lunges. As well as holding the squats and lunges in the lowest position. There were also some yoga posses that i recongize from P90X. I took lots of mini breaks. This work out happens once a week. I am not looking forward to doing it agian. I think this work out is stupid. I think yoga is stupid. But I remeber Tony from P90X saying people think yoga is stupid becouse it is hard. Something along those lines at least. I really enjoy Shaun thought. He is a good motivator and good in the moment.  I don't really conect with him like i did with Tony. They are both great in there own way. Shaun does a good job in all work outs motivating and reminding me to take breaks or not to go into deep stretches as becouse I am not ready. I am going to way myself tonight. I dont have a scale at home. there is a scale at work so I use that. I am nervouse becouse I am afraid there will be no change or weight gain would be dreadfull. But realalisticlly I havent lost weight. Even a pound or two would be ok. I plan to weigh myself now and at the week. My week goal is to loose maybe 3 to 5 pounds. I know its high but the first couple weeks should be drastic weight lost due to the shock of working out. I just hope for some kind of result as it will motivate that much more. No results will make it frustrating. Either way I am dedicated to keep going. If anyone is following this I have taken pictures of myself. I plan on posting the before and after when I have lost some weight. Thanks for reading. This is to myself. Good Job, keep it up and keep coming back.


  1. I think not restricting yourself to a stupid diet is a good idea.
    Just eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and drink lots of water.
    Just eat healthy options most of the time and do some kind of exercise most days!
    I think that is sustainable in the long-term.
    (That's what I do! and it works!)

  2. thats what i am doing also. Trying to think healthy but not worry about it much. Thanks for the post and thank you for your time reading it. I really appreciate it.
